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See Safetyhub's new bite-size microlearning safety videos. Training in under 5 minutes! Read More

Safetyhub System Requirements

The system requirements for a Safetyhub user are modest. All you really need to use the Learning Management System (LMS) or participate in video training is a solid, reliable internet connection and a modern web browser. It may help to have a 200+Mhz processor on your computer if you are running Windows or MacOS.

Recommended Minimum Operating System

Windows 10, Mac OSX High Sierra, iPad IOS10 or higher

It is not recommended to use older versions of operating systems that are out of support such as Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7.

Recommended Browsers

Safetyhub will work in any modern web browser. However, it works best in the following:

  • Google Chrome 32 bit version 8x or later (recommended for optimal compatibility, this has been thoroughly tested on Windows)
  • Safari 14 or later (recommended for optimal compatibility, this has been thoroughly tested on Mac)

Note that add-ons and toolbars can affect any browser’s performance.

MS Internet Explorer is not recommended

Your browser should also have both cookies and JavaScript enabled. These are typically enabled by default, but if you think these settings might need enabling, check the documentation for your particular browser for how to do these.

You should also enable pop-ups for your Safetyhub site. Consult “Help” for your particular browser on how to enable pop-ups.

Internet Connection

Use a broadband connection through USB wireless modem, ADSL2+, T1/T2, fibre optic or cable with the speed:

  • Viewing Training Video Content – at least 5MB/sec
  • Viewing images and webpages – at least 2MB/sec

Dial-up access will be significantly slower, and we do not recommend it for using Safetyhub.

Other Resources

Some courses may have documents in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) so you will need a PDF reader. We recommend that you use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader .

Get Adobe Reader
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