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Train smart. Stay safe. Work efficiently.

Chainsaws - Parts and Components Safety Training Video

Chainsaw Safety Training Online: Learn, Maintain, Operate Safely

Chainsaws are powerful and essential tools in many industries, but without proper training, they can also be dangerous. Understanding the components of a chainsaw, selecting the right chain and performing regular maintenance are crucial for both safety and efficiency. Our Chainsaw Safety Training Online provides operators with expert guidance on proper chainsaw operation, maintenance and safety features to help reduce risks and ensure compliance with workplace safety standards.

Why Chainsaw Safety Training Matters

Improper use of a chainsaw can lead to serious injuries, equipment damage and workplace hazards. This training helps employees understand critical safety and operational considerations. By equipping your team with this knowledge, you can enhance workplace safety and help prevent accidents before they happen.

Course Highlights

  1. Components of a two-stroke chainsaw
    Understanding chainsaw components is essential for safe operation and maintenance. This training video covers the two-stroke engine, guide bar, saw chain, and drive system – along with key safety features like the chain brake, throttle interlock and hand guards. It also highlights maintenance essentials, including chain tensioning, fueling and vibration reduction for safer, more efficient use.
  2. Chain Components
    This training section covers the essential components of a chainsaw chain, including cutters, drive links and tie straps, and their roles in cutting efficiency and safety. Learners will understand how depth gauges control cut depth and kickback, how drive links engage the sprocket and guide bar and the importance of proper chain pitch alignment for smooth operation.
  3. Chain Selection
    This training covers how to select the right saw chain based on the job, timber type and cutter profile. Learners will explore chipper, semi-chisel and full-chisel chains, their cutting speed and maintenance needs – as well as standard, semi-skip, and full-skip tooth sequences – balancing sharpening ease with cutting efficiency.

Who Needs This Training?

This online chainsaw safety training video is ideal for businesses in forestry, landscaping, construction and maintenance industries where chainsaw use is common. Whether your employees are new to chainsaws or experienced operators, this training reinforces best practices and helps ensure they are working safely and effectively.

Benefits of This Training

  • Helps reduce workplace accidents by assisting employees to understand proper chainsaw use and maintenance.
  • Helps increase equipment lifespan through correct handling and regular maintenance.
  • Helps enhance productivity by teaching employees how to select the right chain and optimize performance.
  • Helps ensure compliance with workplace safety regulations.

Start using this course today

Ensure your employees have the knowledge and skills to operate chainsaws safely and efficiently. Subscribe now for unlimited access to our online Chainsaw Safety Training courses and videos as an essential part of a safer, more productive workplace.

Duration: 10 Minutes

Video Training 3 - Icon - Small - Blue

Vidéo de formation sur la sécurité et les facteurs humains

Une vidéo sur demande accompagnée de matériel pédagogique complémentaire, constituant ainsi un programme complet de formation à la sécurité par vidéo.

Assessments 2 - Icon - Small - Blue

Guide de l’animateur

Chaque vidéo est accompagnée de documents de cours comprenant un guide de l’animateur, une transcription, des exercices et une évaluation à choix multiples.

Assessments 1 - Icon - Small - Blue

Évaluation de la sécurité des facteurs humains

Le cours comprend un questionnaire sur la sécurité en 10 parties à choix multiples. Les participants peuvent répondre à l’évaluation telle quelle, ou les questions peuvent être adaptées à leurs besoins.

Results Clipboard - Icon - Small - Blue

Certificat de cours

Les participants peuvent ensuite imprimer un certificat d’achèvement. La progression de leur formation est stockée centralement sur Safetyhub pour suivre les IRC de leur niveau de participation.

À propos de Safetyhub

Safetyhub helps organisations deliver improved workplace safety training with online safety videos and LMS tools. Safetyhub has been providing safety video learning solutions and high-quality safety video content for over 25 years.

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Chainsaws - Parts and Components Safety Training Video
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