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Active Shooter Awareness – Run Hide Fight NEW

Be prepared. Stay safe. Save lives.

Active Shooter Training Online

Active Shooter Training Online: Prepare, Respond, Survive

Active shooter incidents are an alarming reality, often occurring without warning. While rare, these situations demand preparedness to save lives. Our Active Shooter Training Online provides Canadian businesses with the tools and knowledge to help employees respond effectively to such emergencies. Designed specifically for workplace safety, this comprehensive course empowers your team with practical strategies to maximize safety during an active shooter event, ensuring your business is ready for the unexpected.

What is Active Shooter Training?

Active shooter training prepares individuals to respond effectively in the event of an attack. It emphasizes situational awareness, quick decision-making, and actionable strategies to protect oneself and others. This active shooter safety training course is built around the proven “Run, Hide, Fight” methodology and tailored to address the unique challenges faced by workplaces.

Why Active Shooter Training for Canadian Businesses is Essential

In an active shooter scenario, police response times are often minutes away, leaving employees to act decisively to protect themselves. This training ensures your team understands how to recognize threats, respond appropriately, and prioritize safety until help arrives. By providing this training, businesses can enhance workplace safety, reduce panic, and potentially save lives.

Course Highlights

  1. Attack Awareness – Recognizing the early signs of an active shooter attack is critical. This training emphasizes treating any sound resembling gunfire—whether actual gunshots or firecrackers—as a potential threat. Employees will also learn to respond to other warning signs, such as screaming or chaotic behavior, without waiting for confirmation.
  2. Run: The First Line of Defense – When escape is possible, running is the best option. This section teaches employees how to identify emergency exits, use unconventional escape routes like windows, and move in ways that minimize risk, such as zig-zagging. Practical tips, like leaving belongings behind and prioritizing safety over possessions, are covered in detail.
  3. Hide: Staying Out of Sight – If escaping isn’t possible, hiding becomes the next best option. Employees will learn how to find secure hiding spots, barricade doors, and create an unoccupied appearance. The training explains the difference between concealment, which hides someone from sight, and cover, which provides physical protection. Silence is emphasized as a key factor, including turning off phones and avoiding unnecessary noise.
  4. Fight: A Last Resort – When running or hiding isn’t possible, employees may need to defend themselves. This section provides guidance on using everyday objects, such as chairs, fire extinguishers, or pens, as improvised weapons. The goal is to overwhelm the attacker, hinder their ability to continue, and create opportunities to escape.
  5. Communicating with Police – When police arrive, clear communication is essential. Employees will learn how to identify themselves as non-threats by raising their hands and avoiding sudden movements. The training also emphasizes the importance of providing accurate information to 911 dispatchers and following law enforcement instructions.

Active Shooter Training Online: Empower Your Workforce

Providing active shooter training for businesses is about more than just responding to an incident—it’s about fostering a culture of safety and preparedness. This course encourages employees to be aware of their surroundings, identify potential escape routes, and think ahead in any environment. Proactive steps like these can reduce panic, save lives, and create a safer workplace.

Why Choose This Active Shooter Training Video?

Our video course is tailored for Canadian businesses of all sizes and industries. Its expert guidance helps employees be ready to act when it matters most. Through engaging content and practical assessments, your team will gain the confidence and skills needed to handle an active shooter situation effectively.

Subscribe Today

Don’t wait for the unthinkable to happen. Prepare your team with the knowledge and strategies to respond effectively in an active shooter emergency. Subscribe now to gain unlimited access to this vital training resource.

Video Duration: 8 Minutes

Video Training 3 - Icon - Small - Blue

Safety Training Video

On-demand safety video accompanied by supplemental material to form a complete safety video training program.

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Facilitator's Guide

Accompanying documentation includes facilitator’s framework, video transcript, exercises and a multiple-choice assessment questionnaire.

Assessments 1 - Icon - Small - Blue

Safety Assessment

Course includes a 10-part multiple-choice safety quiz. Participants can take the assessment as is, or the questions can be modified to suit your requirements.

Results Clipboard - Icon - Small - Blue

Course Certificate

Participants can print a completion certificate and training progress is stored centrally in Safetyhub to track your participant engagement KPI.

About Safetyhub

Safetyhub helps organisations deliver improved workplace safety training with online safety videos and LMS tools. Safetyhub has been providing safety video learning solutions and high-quality safety video content for over 25 years.

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Active Shooter Awareness – Run Hide Fight

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Active Shooter Training Online
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