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Workplace Injury Prevention Training - Online Courses

Personal Protection is an online safety training video course collection from Safetyhub. This collection of safety video content is organised around Workplace Injury Prevention and will assist your employees to learn about all how to prevent workplace hazards and injuries by watching online videos and completing assessments.

These personal protection training videos provide an understanding of workplace injury prevention strategies, personal protective equipment (PPE), first aid and the control of risks.

Workplace Injury Prevention Training - Online Courses
Personal Protection Safety training online

How the Online Safety Video Training can help you.

This safety training video collection covers noise protection as well as eye, head, foot and hand protection. It also looks at PPE in the workplace and protection measures against viruses and bloodborne pathogens. All workplace injury prevention strategy courses in the collection include an online safety video, online safety assessments, facilitator’s guides and trainee course certificates.

Workplace injury Prevention Training Program:

Safety videos and resources in the collection are available in English and Spanish. If your organisation spans multiple regions, you can be assured that your employees in each region are viewing material relevant to them. With new releases continually being added, Safetyhub is a cost-effective way of ensuring all your sites always have a comprehensive library of current and relevant safety training videos.

You can get access to this online safety training program and the other online safety training collections with a Safetyhub subscription. All subscriptions are tailored to the exact needs of your organisation and include access to Safetyhub’s online learning management system (LMS). Safetyhub offers a free trial and assistance in customising Safetyhub to your exact organisational training requirements.

Hand Safety

This program raises awareness of hand safety. By following safe work procedures, using tools only for their intended purposes and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever appropriate, we can reduce the number of hand injuries dramatically.

Head Protection in the Workplace

This program looks at the hazards which affect our brain, eyes and ears and the preventative measures we should consider when addressing the issue of head safety in the workplace. The preventative measures that need to be addressed are covered in detail.

Cuts and Bleeding

The objective of this program is to highlight the major hazard areas associated with Cuts and Bleeding and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

The objective of this program is to explain the major hazard areas associated with noise and to increase awareness of noise issues in the workplace. This program covers facts, causes and damage of hearing Loss. It also looks at noise control and hearing protection.

The Prevention of Eye Injuries

This eye protection safety training program provides essential facts and principles of workplace eye safety. It looks at the eye hazards that exist in the workplace and how hazards can be controlled to reduce the risk and provide greater eye protection safety.

Foot Safety in the Workplace

Falling objects cause the largest number of foot injuries in the workplace, however numerous hazards that can lead to injuries. This video program addresses common foot injuries, injury prevention, hazard evaluation, control measures and footwear.

Spills – Prevention and Management

Spills are an ever-present hazard in many workplaces. By having a clear spill prevention plan, the threat spills pose can be reduced to an absolute minimum. This program examines the effects spills can have as well as methods for prevention and clean up.

PPE – An Introduction

This is a general program suitable for induction or to reinforce the need to wear items of personal protection. This program examines various types of Personal Protective Equipment in detail, including eye, face, head, ears and respiratory protection.

Hazardous Atmospheres and Respirators

The programs covers what constitutes a hazardous atmosphere, information about air-purifying and details of the different types of air-purifying respirators. The program also looks at filters, fit testing of respirators, maintenance, storage, inspection and danger signals.

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

Awareness of hand-arm vibration syndrome, identifying hazards and reducing risk levels will help prevent HAVS issues occurring in the workplace. The safety program covers Tools most likely to pose a risk, Vibration Regulations and Control Measures.

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